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Dr Kimberly Kohr, North Bend Nutrition and Chiropractic

Chiropractor in North Bend, Washington

318 E Park St, North Bend, WA 98045

(425) 8888-4170

Chronic health problems often reveal a need to make significant lifestyle changes. Our Total Health Restoration approach uses Nutrition Response Testing, Morphogenic Field Technique, and chiropractic analysis, to find the barriers that are preventing you from being healthy.

A bowl of strawberries, tomatoes, aricots, and walnuts.Dr. Kohr will give you an individually customized plan that uses whole food nutrition to rebuild your body on a cellular level. Dr. Kohr's approach recognizes the unique needs of your body at different stages of recovery and saves you money and time by supplementing what you need when you need it.

It is not a matter of IF your body is suffering from the effects of toxins, but rather HOW BAD IS IT?

About Chiropractic

Chiropractic Adjustments

The practice of chiropractic addresses the alignment of your spinal vertebra and other joints. Misaligned bones in your spine or other joints can put pressure on the surrounding nerves and muscles, causing pain, stiffness, numbness, and tingling. Chiropractic adjustments help to remove this pressure and alleviate the pain and nerve irritation.

There are many ways to assess and correct the spine. Our practice offers several of them to complement your nutritional program in restoring your body to full health and function.

Chiropractic adjustments can be helpful for lots of conditions including spinal pain, sciatica, headaches, shoulder pain, disc problems, vertigo, ear infections, and carpal tunnel.

Chiropractic works even better and faster along with the correct nutritional program.

Ask Dr. Kohr if adjustments would benefit you.

Random Reviews

Dr Kimberly rocks.

Aside from being a knowledgeable, skilled nutritionist, she's also a pleasure to work with. She clearly cares about the health and welfare of her patients. When you're in her office, her focus is on you. She asks questions, listens and gives her observations in an engaging, non-threatening, non-patronizing manner. While her practice incorporates supplements as part of the process of healing and improving your health, they are never "pushed", and the cost is quite reasonable.

Her practice is located in the aptly named Park Street Healing Arts building, along with other practitioners of chiropractic, nutrition, massage and more. The office as a whole is a peaceful, almost tranquil environment. I'm always recognized and warmly welcomed there. No rush, no fuss.

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